SEO in 2023: What Trends to Watch For – Our Predictions

Written by Ashley Hyman, SEO Account Manager

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is a tactic that is constantly changing. Google updates its algorithm and the way it handles queries frequently, so to be competitive, your SEO approach needs to be constantly updated.

Before continuing, have a look at these SEO trends and forecasts for 2023 if you’re planning your SEO strategy. For more information on what to anticipate with SEO in the upcoming year and how to adapt your SEO approach to these changes, keep reading!

4 Significant SEO trends for 2023

Want to know the SEO trends for 2023? These four trends will have an effect on your SEO plan.

Conversational queries

Conversational queries are the first trend on our list of 2023 SEO trends you should be aware of. Google is always trying to improve how users search so that they can find what they need quickly. Acquiring a better comprehension of linguistic intricacies is essential to this advancement.

To improve its comprehension of natural language, Google created LaMDA. In order to give results more quickly, Google focuses on improving dialogue comprehension with LaMDA.

Understanding slang and how people communicate when looking for what they need is part of this process.

How to prepare for this anticipated SEO trend

You’ll need to invest a lot of effort into optimising for voice search because conversational searches will be popular for SEO in 2023.

Voice search is different from typing a search query because it uses natural language processing (NLP) to understand how people search by speaking. It’s in your best interest to optimise for voice search queries as Google moves toward understanding conversational searches from consumers.

Video marketing

Video marketing will be a big SEO trend for 2023. The majority of consumers use videos to guide their decision-making.

Since more people are watching videos, you should add video to your SEO plan if you haven’t already. Google is also introducing tools to make it easier for consumers to access information quickly through videos.

Use clip marking to identify important sections of your video so viewers may jump right to them. You could make a markup for each tip in a video that included advice, for instance.

Use seek markup to explain your URL structure to Google. This information is crucial because it enables Google to automatically display the most important sections of your movie. It gives Google the ability to connect within a certain section of your video.

With these new tools, you can optimise your videos to show up in search results for more relevant and difficult-to-rank topics

How to prepare for this anticipated SEO trend

Start by including more video on your pages. Including videos in your content can assist increase engagement, rankings, and traffic because users spend 88% more time on pages with videos. Make sure to use thorough, keyword-rich markups for the clip and seek markups.

Don’t title your markups “tip 1,” “tip 2,” and so on if your film contains money-saving advice. Use markups instead, such as “Save money by using coupons” and “Stash money from your paycheck.”

These particular markups provide you with greater chances to appear in pertinent searches and raise viewer interaction with your videos.

Image accessibility and optimisation in 2023

Google has known for a long time what the best ways are to optimise images on a website, but unfortunately, not many people have paid the attention they should have. Now is the time to look at the images on your website and see how they score on the optimisation meter. Your image optimisation will be one of the ranking elements in order to make sure that images can be delivered to people with visual disabilities and impairments in the best possible way. We want the web to be accessible to everyone. Google isn’t just pushing for good picture optimisation for this reason; in the future, images will be utilised for much more than just visually communicating ideas; they will also be used in search to make purchases, find information, and more.

How to prepare for this anticipated SEO trend

Conducting an image audit on your website right now can help you determine which of the following changes you need to make to raise your image optimisation score.

  • Serve pictures in modern formats

  • Make sure to compress images

  • Where feasible, give each image file a suitable name that includes the required keywords

  • Give each image a distinct alt attribute

Featured snippets to become more popular

We can’t ignore the expansion of featured snippets in search results for our next trend prediction for this year. The serving of featured snippets will continue, and they will probably gain prominence over time. Featured snippets, in case you haven’t yet seen them, featured snippets are the boxes of results that frequently appear above the actual search results. They can be in the form of FAQs, how-to guides, bulleted lists, or even just a single sentence. Without having to create lengthy content, these are fantastic little shortcuts to the top of the SERPs. You’re probably qualified for a highlighted snippet if your page provides useful information that people commonly look for.

How to prepare for this anticipated SEO trend

Think carefully about the searcher, their objective, and how they would search to get to the top in the form of a featured snippet, and concentrate your content on question-based terms. Find profitable keywords and topics to write about by using Google’s autocomplete or the “People also ask” areas. Next, make sure your content contains the appropriate schema markup so that it can be found in search results. The Google Schema Markup Testing Tool can then be used to test your markup.

Looking to increase your organic traffic in 2023 and beyond? To review your website and outline your 2023 SEO strategy, get in touch.