Email Marketing & Automations
Boost sales and build lasting loyalty with emails that turn leads into customers.

Your Brand In Their Inbox
At LS Media and Marketing, we use email marketing for customer retention, lead nurturing, website traffic generation and brand awareness. We design responsive templates, write clickable content and tailor messages to each customer.
Email Marketing Simplified
From welcome emails to hot deals and win-back campaigns, we make sure that your emails do the hard work for you. Here’s just a snippet of what we provide.
Custom Email Templates – Eye-catching, mobile-friendly templates that are built to showcase your brand.
Personalised Content – To make sure your audience receives content that is relevant to their needs.
Automated Workflows – Smart automations, like welcome emails and appointment reminders, to keep your customers engaged.
A/B Testing – To see which campaigns achieve the highest open rates.

Email Marketing & Automation FAQ’s
How Do You Track The Performance Of Email Campaigns?
I Don’t Have Anyone To Send My Email Campaign To. What Do I Do?
Do You Provide Monthly Email Marketing Support?